Saturday, May 21, 2016

Chris Hemsworth Isn’t #TeamCap Or #TeamIronMan, Still Very Hot

"Let us know when you're done messin' around, and the big boys will step in."
From: NewNowNext
Captain America: Civil War has been a huge hit at the box office, but some members of the Marvel universe aren’t as thrilled by the franchise’s latest flick.

Chris Hemsworth plays Thor in the Avengers movies, and doesn’t appreciate that he and Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk have been left out of the most recent film.

In a video posted to Facebook by Civil War directors The Russo Brothers, Hemsworth pretends to do one-armed pull-ups while feigning indifference towards Captain America and Iron Man.

“Just leave the two strongest, biggest Avengers out of this one, did ya?” Hemsworth asks. “It’s just one for the kids, is it? Where the kids just have a scrap on their own and we just sit on the sidelines? Pathetic.”

He then grabs Thor’s hammer and makes his own “whoosh” sound effect as he flies away.

The video is a great reminder that the Australian actor is not only still extremely sexy, but also quite funny as well.

Check out Hemsworth’s rant in the video below.

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