Monday, April 18, 2016

Why You Should Be Happy On Tax Day

Here's to you, Internal Revenue Service.
From: NewNowNext
 Today is the final day to file taxes in the United States. And while that can inspire dread in those of us who don’t relish an audit, today should fill LGBT people with joy.

Why? Because it’s the first Tax Day that gay and lesbian couples are able to file federal and state taxes jointly in all 50 states.

Even after the fall of DOMA, same-sex couples had to live in states that acknowledged marriage equality to file state taxes together. Those that didn’t had to file one federal return as married and two separate state returns as if they were single.

They also had to file separate “mock” federal returns to satisfy state requirements. The additional burden made an already byzantine process nearly inscrutable.

Now, at least, gay couples just have to face the same fiscal nightmare as their straight neighbors.

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