Thursday, April 21, 2016

“King Cobra” Star And Director Dish On The Movie’s Wild Sex Scenes

"Wait, this is kind of insane. We’re just actually doing this."
From: NewNowNext
The gay porn murder movie King Cobra contains some graphic and intense sex scenes, but even the cast and crew who were making the movie couldn’t wrap their heads around what was happening on set.

Garrett Clayton who plays porn star Brent Corrigan described his emotional time on set to Entertainment Weekly, especially the day he had to film a sex montage with eight different guys:

“There’s a montage in the movie where Sean-slash-Brent is [going from being] a porn actor to a porn star, and I got to work one day and there was eight men sitting outside of set and they’re like ‘alright these are the people that will be in the montage with you’ and that was a very difficult day…to be…handled by a bunch of strangers. Being touched by one stranger alone is like a lot, let alone eight, and you’re kind of pulling your clothes off, and you have to sell it. It was at the end of that day that I remember calling my mom and I was like, ‘I don’t know if I can do this.’”

Clayton wasn’t the only one who had to take a moment during the shoot. Director Justin Kelly remembers filming the explicit sex scene between James Franco and Keegan Allen who play the Viper Boyz and how even though he wrote the movie, he still couldn’t believe his eyes:

“We all discussed what each person was comfortable with. Each scene or scandalous moment is really only there if it helps push the story forward…So it’s not just about having sex scenes because the story involves gay porn. It really is a part of the story and pushing characters towards their goals — or not….[In one scene James Franco and Keegan Allen are] both fully naked wearing these things called ‘c–k socks’. It was one of those moments where even though we all know what the movie is about and I wrote it, I still shocked myself watching and directing it. ‘Wait, this is kind of insane. We’re just actually doing this.’”

Watch Clayton and Kelly spill the secrets in the interview below:

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