Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Aggressive Cop Forces Gay Woman Out Of Ladies Room For Not Having ID

Officers assumed she was male and physically tossed her out.
From: NewNowNext
A video uploaded to Facebook in December is recirculating again this week in the wake of North Carolina’s new ’bathroom bill,’ which requires that transgender people use public restrooms that match their gender assigned at birth rather than their gender identity.

In the video, posted by the page Urban Leak, a person who identifies herself as a gay female is forcibly removed from a public restroom by several police officers who demand to see the woman’s ID to determine her gender.

“I am a fucking female!” the woman yells at an officer who shouts back, “Do you have an ID?”

When the woman responds “No I do not,” the officer becomes aggressive while using his hands and body to force her out of the bathroom and into what appears to be a restaurant. “You’ve got no ID, get out!” he yells repeatedly.

Details of the events leading up to the incident and/or an official statement from anyone involved unfortunately aren’t included with the video, but it serves to show the kind of witch hunt trans people in North Carolina may soon be facing when police are tasked with removing them from bathrooms where others feel uncomfortable with their presence.

Earlier this month, a Mother Jones investigation found that police departments throughout North Carolina are dangerously ill-equipped to deal with scenarios similar to the one above, and in some cases aren’t even sure that policing gender in public restrooms is even legal.

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