Thursday, March 31, 2016

The only male nude by Helmut Newton

From: Kino Images
Helmut Berger, as photographed
by Helmut Newton in Beverly Hills, 1984.

Luchino Visconti’s collaborator and lover, famous Austrian actor Helmut Berger (1944- ) starred in , Conversation Piece (1974), The Damned (1969), Ludwig (1972) etc. On Ludwig, he said that after the filming, he committed himself to a sanatorium in order to rid himself of Ludwig’s character who had taken over his real-life persona.
An alleged-bisexual, Berger is also the only man ever shot nude by Helmut Newton who confined most of his works to fashion photography. “I was never interested in naked men”, the photographer said. And yet here is the iconic picture.

All rights go to Helmut Newton. I am not the author of this image (But Geez, don’t I wish I was)!

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