Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The 30 Worst Music Videos Of All Time

From: NewNowNext
Most Briefs lists involve the “best” or “greatest” of something, so for a change let’s switch it up, as Evil Snicks brings you The 30 Worst Music Videos Of All Time.

You’ll see debacles from major musical artists, as well as a few Youtube “stars.” Sure, it’s really easy to pick on desperate wannabes. It’s fun, too. But it proves that terrible can run the gamut from multi-million dollar productions to, well, a certain video named after a day of the week. You know the one.

Let’s kick things off with 
“I Don’t Wanna Be A Crappy Housewife” 
Tonje Langeteig

Norwegian pop princess Tonje starts this video off with “I’m a little pretty girl trapped inside a grownup’s body,” and it just goes downhill from there. By the end, you’ll want to slap every single member of A-HA.

And you know you’ve made it big when you get a special “Brock’s Dub.”

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