Sunday, March 6, 2016

The 40 Hottest Male Bodies Of 2015!

From: Boy Culture

Paint your wagon.
 Mark MacKillop

I met Instagratification veteran Mark a few years ago, when a Speedo he was wearing was auctioned off for AIDS. We do shit like that in New York.

Ginge festival
Anyway, I gallantly bid on his swimwear and then gifted him with it. We hung out briefly (no, I'm not attempting to imply that we dated) and recently re-started our activity-buddydom with a trip to see a play so far east I felt like I needed a passport.

It was worth scaling Trump's wall to get there.

Rumor has it that Mark is not a virgin.
MacKillop is an actor and gifted dancer who has captured the interest of the Internet with his endless supply of iPhone selfies in his underwear, some of which are available for purchase in his fine-arts book.

He has an old-school man's body, in which resides a young-school alpha gay (in the best possible way)—he's sharp-tongued, has a highly developed sense of aesthetics and does not suffer fools, gladly or otherwise. Look for him to continue his relentless takeover of NYC. After all, the Broadway Bares staple has already performed multiple one-man shows, including a winner at 54 Below..

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