Sunday, March 13, 2016

March 13th is L. Ron Hubbard Day

The Church of Scientology recognizes March 13, the birthday of founder L. Ron Hubbard, as a religious holiday. While there is no formal ritual to mark the day, individual Scientologists are encouraged to expand community activities in memory of a man Scientologists consider a great humanitarian.

The practice of celebrating Hubbard's birthday has been in existence since the 1970s. The specifics of how Hubbard is remembered come from a request made by Hubbard himself.

Types of Community Service:

Scientologists have numerous means of outreach to both their nearby communities and to the wider world, both on March 13 and throughout the year. Common examples include:

  • Missionary work, spreading the teachings of Scientology
  • Emergency disaster relief
  • Participation in drug education and prevention programs
  • Promotion of human rights

Scientology Celebrations:

Regardless of Hubbard's request, some Scientologists also throw large parties to celebrate Hubbard's birthday.

These events celebrate the accomplishments of Scientology, which of course wouldn't have happened without Hubbard's initial development of the religion and processes involved in its practice

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