Monday, March 28, 2016

Man Kisses Police Officer, Huge Brawl Breaks Out

Sometimes a kiss isn't just a kiss.
From: NewNowNext
A Chinese man involved in a disagreement with police decided to defuse the situation by kissing an officer. Instead, it lead to a sprawling street.

The man, identified only as “Mr. Huang” was running an unlicensed restaurant on the streets of Liuzhou, in northwest China, when officers from the urban administration department came to shut it down. The staff got into a heated argument with police, before Huang kissed one male cop on the lips twice.

A kiss to remember – or not A man in Liuzhou, a city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was running a restaurant in...

The gesture was more a provocation than act of reconciliation, and led to an all-out mele, with one woman protecting Huang by hitting officers with pots and pans. Another waitress threw a stool.

Huang has been detained for eight days for obstructing government officials from performing their duties.

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