Monday, March 21, 2016

Couples Try “30 Days Of Sex” Challenge, Find It Extremely Difficult

"My penis wanted to retreat inside of my body."
From: NewNowNext
Having sex every day for 30 consecutive days may sound like an exciting task, but the couples who participated in the challenge found it may not have been as easy as they had hoped.

BuzzFeed assigned a few lucky couples to attempt “30 Days of Sex,” and had them vlog about their experiences.

The duos also met with sexologist Dr. Ava Cadell to talk about the roadblocks that they were experiencing during their month-long journey of getting down and dirty.

“The benefits of having regular sex in a relationship is that you have intimate communication, you both feel desired and loved, very important,” Cadell said.

RJ and Will are the boyfriends who signed off on the challenge, and felt confident in their mission during Day 1’s vlog. Things weren’t as easy, however, as the days continued to pass.

“Once we get into it, I love it,” said Will. “But now it’s just the getting into it that’s become harder.”

Will the couples be able to make it a full 30 days? And what will they learn about their relationships and sex lives? Check out the full experiment below to find out.

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