Tuesday, March 29, 2016

6.2% of All Men Have Had Same-Sex Relations

A new study reveals fascinating insights into sexual behavior.
From: OUT
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a study that analyzed sexual attraction and orientation among American adults between ages 18-44. It polled data from 9,175 people who participated in a 2011-2013 National Survey of Family Growth. We’ve compiled some of the most interesting findings:

-2.8% of heterosexual men have had same-sex sexual contact (compared to 12.6% of heterosexual women)

-67.9% of gay or bisexual men have had opposite-sex sexual contact (compared to 89.7% of lesbian or bisexual women)

-6.2% of all men have had same-sex sexual contact (compared to 17.4% of women)

-92.1% of men insist they are attracted to only the opposite sex (compared to 81% of women)

Check out the complete study here.

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