Saturday, February 27, 2016

Which Hillary? There's Only One: Obama's Former Speechwriter Urges Democrats To Abandon CARICATURE Of Hillary Clinton, Vote For Her

From: Boy Culture
Favreau apologized to Clinton for this unfortunate picture—and she accepted.
(Image via 
NY Daily News)
If you're still not ready for Hillary—in spite of being a Democrat—you should read former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau's Daily Beast essay on his onetime foe.

He said of an offensive pose he made with a Hillary cardboard stand-up:

It was one of the stupider, more disrespectful mistakes I’ve made, and one that could have cost me a job if Hillary hadn’t accepted my apology, which she did with grace and humor. As a result, I had the chance to serve in the Obama administration with someone who was far different than the caricature I had helped perpetuate.

He went on to describe Hillary's demeanor as part of Obama's Cabinet:

She was by far the most prepared, impressive person at every Cabinet meeting. She worked harder and logged more miles than anyone in the administration, including the president. And she’d spend large amounts of time and energy on things that offered no discernible benefit to her political future—saving elephants from ivory poachers, listening to the plight of female coffee farmers in Timor-Leste, defending LGBT rights in places like Uganda.

Favreau urges Democrats not to turn their back on Hillary, whose election this year he calls “more important” than was the election of Barack Obama in 2008.

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