Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I Want to Share a Very Personal Family Moment #Valentines

From: Wicked Gay
This may be inappropriate as this is no longer my personal blog but the amazing thing about the team at OLB is that they gave me full creative encouragement until we find the writer or writers who will take over this blog, and for that I truly thank them.

As you know, I don't share too many personal details because I am a relatively private person by nature. That being said, my niece who celebrates her birthday each year on Valentine's Day turned 20 today. The following are Facebook messages from my sister to her daughter (my niece) and then a return Facebook message back from my niece to her mom (my sister.)

Dearest Kourtney, 20 years ago today you entered into the world. You were the easiest baby to care for. From the beginning you slept through the night. You barely ever fussed. As a toddler you had such a vivid imagination. I just loved watching you play with your dolls. Your imagination stayed with you as you grew into your elementary years. You started writing stories that blew us away. I was so proud to say the least. Then the middle school years came and you started breaking away being your own individual. That saddened me and made me happy all at the same time. You were growing up and there was nothing I could do but hope what I taught you stuck. As you moved on into high school you were a "know it all". We just didn't see eye to eye. Thank God we went through all that. It made us where we are now. I love you kiddo!! You mean the world to me!! Whether you make the wrong or right decision, I am always here for you. Happy 20th Birthday Kourtney!! Happy Valentine's Day!! Love Mom

Mom, 20 years ago today you gave birth to the rambunctious, sassy, and bubbly woman I have grown up to be today. Without you I honestly would not be where I am at, you've stood by my side through the good and the ugly and have not once ceased to believe in me. You taught me the morals, manners, and lessons I now live by today. You taught me growing up that it's okay to be different, it's okay to stand out, and it's okay to be yourself. Some of the most important values and morals I have would not be a part of me if I didn't have an amazing mother like you to teach me and guide me through life. I love you so much momma, and I hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Valentine's Day, and thank you for being my number one fan. Love and miss you bunches! ♡♡♡♡

I must admit, I have never regretted that Marc and I made a conscious decision not to have children, but reading a moment like this makes me wonder if we made the right choice.

That being said, I just reached out to my sister and to my niece to let them know how proud I am that we are family!

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