Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Here’s The Story Behind Model Shaun Ross’ Overstuffed Eggplant

From: Queerty
 We’ve seen them above-average. We’ve spotted huge ones. A certain 19-year-old UK footballer’s really made our eyes bulge.
But this is something else entirely.
When Los Angeles-based band BRÅVES released the video for their song “Dust” yesterday the down tempo minimalist jam was accompanied by a big surprise ending.

The three-and-a-half minute video is one slow-motion shot of albino model Shaun Ross walking naked out of the ocean. You might think that a baby elephant makes an appearance towards the end, but once you adjust your eyes you’ll realize its just Shawn’s third leg.
But if you think it looks a little off, that’s because it is.

After some serious online speculation, it was reported that Shaun wore a prosthetic — apparently the director was going for “shock value” and “art.”
Did it work?
Not since Marky Mark stood in front of the mirror in Boogie Nights have we seen such impressive special effects.
Watch the NSFW video and see for yourself.

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