Sunday, February 21, 2016

Gay MPs: The photograph that shows Westminster's attitude towards LGBT politicians is changing

This picture of 28 MPs and peers is the largest number of publicly out parliamentarians photographed together at one time
From: The Independent
One of the most remarkable, yet pleasing, statistics that fascinated political number-crunchers at last year’s election was that the House of Commons ended up with 32 lesbian, gay and bisexual MPs. 

Then last month, the Scottish Secretary and divorced father of three, David Mundell, became the first openly out Tory cabinet member. His son Oliver said he “admires [him] today as much as yesterday”, and David Cameron said he was “pleased and delighted” for him. 

The Independent on Sunday can now add a further two to that number, with the SNP’s business spokeswoman, Hannah Bardell, and Labour’s shadow Welsh Secretary, Nia Griffith, coming out for our special photo shoot celebrating Parliament’s growing diversity. 

LGBT History Month is celebrated in February – and this photograph of 28 MPs and peers is a bit of history in itself, as it is the largest number of publicly out parliamentarians pictured together at one time, from  a parliament with more gay members than any in the world.

Ms Bardell, who previously worked for the then First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, said: “I only came out to myself and to my family during the election. I then chose not to say anything publicly because I had just got elected and I didn’t want it to be one of the first things I said about myself as an MP. 

“When David Mundell came out, it must have been very difficult for him, but it got me thinking about saying something myself. I felt this was the right moment – I’m very proud to be out and I’m very happy.” 

Ms Griffith, who has been an MP since 2005, said her sexuality had been known among friends, family and colleagues since the mid-1990s, but she “hasn’t made any great fuss about it in Parliament”. 

Lord Chris Smith is in the picture – he was the first openly gay MP in the 1980s and also the first to be appointed to the cabinet when he became Culture Secretary in 1997. Chris Bryant, the shadow Leader of the House of Commons who got the MPs and peers together, said: “It’s amazing how things have changed in 20 years. For years, Chris was the only one. But for some of the MPs now, their sexuality is just a mundane part of their lives rather than [as it is to outsiders] the only interesting parts of their lives.” 

It is understood that parliamentary clerks have also been asked to look into commissioning a painting of LGBT MPs, to recognise this as the most diverse parliament in British history. 

In a joint opinion piece for The IoS, Mr Mundell and Mr Bryant note the improvements in Parliament, but warn: “LGBT young people in Britain still face stigma and bullying. Rates of suicide and depression are significantly higher among members of the LGBT community.” 

Sadly, some MPs turned up after the shoot was over. This means they missed the questionable treat of Ben Bradshaw, a former Labour shadow culture secretary, stripping down to his white underpants on a chilly February day in front of Parliament, as he swapped cycling gear for a suit to pose for his own portrait to commemorate the great strides that British politics have made. 

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