Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19th is Women in Blue Jeans Days

If your only exposure to American culture was television or the movies, you would likely have a skewed view of American women.  It would be easy to think that most of them spend their days climbing the corporate ladder clad in the latest Gucci suit and $500 shoes and that those who aren’t doing that, wish they were.   But contrary to this stereotype, not every American woman aspires to live like the women on Sex in the City, collect designer clothes, or sip Cosmos over sushi.  The founders of Women in Blue Jeans, a group committed to celebrating the women of rural America and providing them with educational and networking opportunities, know that some women prefer a life where blue jeans and work boots are always the appropriate attire.

Arizona farmers love talking about denim and blue jeans since we grow some of the best cotton in the nation. Arizona farmers annually contribute this cool, comfortable fiber to our constant demand for blue jeans.

This January 19th is Women in Blue Jeans Day, a time to celebrate all the women who grow the food we eat, tend the animals we need for dairy, eggs, and wool, and those who choose to live a different kind of life far from the hustle and bustle of the city.  It is a day to acknowledge the role rural women play in keeping America running from the barn and the field rather than from the board room.

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