Sunday, February 14, 2016

Epic Supreme Court Fight Begins

From: Wicked Gay
Within minutes of the news breaking that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had died, Republicans said they would refuse to consider ANY Obama nominee to replace him, no matter what.

This is a stunning abuse of power -- and it will be the most epic political fight we've seen in years.

We're launching an emergency campaign to demand that Republicans give the President's nominee a fair up or down vote.

The person who replaces Justice Scalia will have the power to overturn Citizens United and awful decisions on everything from affirmative action to the Voting Rights Act.

Leaving a seat on the Supreme Court vacant for an entire year is utterly unprecedented. In all of U.S. history, the longest its ever taken for the Senate to vote on a nominee is 125 days.(2)

They are effectively trying to limit President Obama's second term to just three years -- while leaving the Supreme Court shorthanded for well over a year.

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