Thursday, February 18, 2016

Are You Suffering from Presidential Political Burnout Yet?

From:  Wicked Gay

Although I consider myself a political person, I am nearing my breaking point with the non stop political coverage every where I look. My Facebook and Twitter feeds are all political articles, each trying to bring up or tear down a specific candidate. You can't watch a TV show without every commercial being an ad from a candidate or super pac. You can't even go for a ride without seeing bumper stickers like "Make America Great Again" staring you in the face.

I understand that as an American voting is one of the single most important things we can do. I get how crucial selecting the next President very carefully is. That all being said, is it wrong that I would like to go just a day or two without having to see ANYTHING political. I would like to take a political holiday. Just one day out of life, it would be so nice!

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