Saturday, February 27, 2016

8 Ways Bernie Sanders Has Stood Up For LGBT Equality

Are gays feeling the Bern?
From: NewNowNext
 It’s well into election season, and we’re all looking at the candidates for how they will address LGBT issues. Counter to the GOP front runners, both Democratic candidates are staunch allies. We enumerated Hillary Clinton’s record of LGBT support, and now its time to feel the Bern.

Here we spotlight eight times Bernie Sanders stood up for LGBT rights.

He supported equality before most of you were born.

When Sanders was running for governor of Vermont in the early 70s, he penned an open letter that espoused the then-radical idea that people should have control of their bodies, their minds and their hearts.

“Let us abolish all laws that attempt to impose a particular brand of morality or “right” on people. Let’s abolish all laws dealing with abortion, drugs, sexual behavior (adultery, homosexuality, etc.).”

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