Saturday, February 6, 2016

14 Times Our Faith In Humanity Was Restored This Year

From: Queerty
Girl Scouts Donor Said 100k Gift Can’t Be Spent On Trans Girls. The Scouts’ Response Is Perfect

One hundred thousand dollars represents about a quarter of the Girl Scouts of Western Washington’s annual fundraising goal, and could pay to send 500 girls to camp. But after receiving the generous gift, they got this note from the donor: “Please guarantee that our gift will not be used to support transgender girls. If you can’t, please return the money.”
The choice was simple, but that didn’t make it easy. The council leader wrote back saying she’d be returning the money, asserting that, “Girl Scouts is for every girl, and every girl should have the opportunity to be a Girl Scout if she wants to.”
Two days later an Indiegogo campaign to crowdsource the $100k had raised over $255k.

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