Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Your Shirtless Celebrity Roundup Don’t Give A Shhh!

January 20, 2011
From: Fleshbot
 Ricky Martin is refreshed and refreshing! Shia LaBeouf finally lives up to his beefy name! The Bachelor is pretty fit, but unofficial retiree Regis Philbin could easily kick his ass. All this and more in Your Shirtless Celebrity Roundup!

 We'll admit, we're not really digging Ricky Martin's latest single, but that's okay. As the empirical evidence of this photo shoot with Spanish language magazine El Pais proves, Ricky Martin is one of the few people on this earth who are so brilliantly beautiful that nothing they ever do can ever actually be wrong. Keep on keepin' on, Ricky.
 Dear God we don't know how we missed this but actor and total DILF Mark Ruffalo bared his furry man-chest for W Magazine's "Best Performances of the Year" series. That coat he's rocking is so epic and out of control ridiculous that we have to have it.
 On Tuesday afternoon actor Shia LaBeouf was spotted going for a shirtless jog in Los Angeles but we don't know how exactly because the man is nigh unrecognizable. We're amazed at how much the kid's beefed up since he played that annoying little twit on The Disney Channel's "Even Stevens" and we think the beard, though a little unruly, is super hot. (And before you disagree with us on the latter point, consider that poor Shia just got through running however many miles in the blazing LA sun. Cut him a little slack, would ya?)

 This is why we love awards season. It's a chance to look back at all of the great film that's been produced over the past year and check out some of the great stuff you might have missed. For example, if French-German television drama "Carlos" hadn't taken home a Golden Globe on Sunday, we wouldn't have found out that lead actor Édgar Ramírez bares two pinkish and somewhat smaller globes of his own in the film. And just like magic, there's one more thing on television that we need to see.
 Speaking of things on television that we absolutely need to see, let's take a moment to talk about "The Bachelor." It turns out that Brad Womack this season's lovelorn fella is fucking hot. Like sizzling hot. Like old people keeling over from dehydration hot. Like the hell fire we'll surely earn from our furious masturbation over the image of his perfectly sculpted torso hot. Why did nobody tell us about this?!

Ah, well this is interesting: Atlantan rapper Soulja Boy and Lil' Bow Wow who, for the record, hasn't been "Lil'" for years now, team up for Bow Wow's new single "Get Money." The pair spend most of the video shirtless, driving around in expensive cars and hanging out with hot bitches. Bow Wow, we love you but we miss the old you.

 At some point after announcing his plans to retire from "Live With Regis and Kelly" this week, a photo of 79-year-old Regis Philbin posing shirtless at his doctor's office made it's way onto the Internet. We want a glass of whatever infinite youth serum this guy's been chugging because our grandmother is only like 72 and bitch most definitely does not look as good as this. We love you, Grammy Calamitous, but you know it's true.
 Whoa! It looks like British actor and comedian Ricky Gervais has been working out! On Monday Ellen Degeneres posted this picture of the Golden Globes host to her Twitter account. Apparently the talk show host had a pair of gold lamé "Ellen" boxer briefs made for Gervais to wear for his stint hosting the annual awards show on Sunday. So stylish!
 Put another mark in the "Must-Watch TV" column, fantastically sexy actor Charlie McDermott plays the athletic son of what we guess must be a perfectly average family in ABCs "The Middle." Yes, the show looks like another boring, run-of-the-mill sitcom. On the other hand, according to the show's Wikipedia entry, Charlie's character "can't be bothered to put on boxer short most of the time at home." So um…where do we sign up?
Photographer Terry Richardson met with Sting to shoot some photos of the music legend for this month's issue of Harper's Bazaar. What happened next can only really be described as "magic."

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