Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Long Road

January 19, 2016
From: Big Whack Attack
 Gosh, it's such a cold, cloudy, and dreary day. It's almost as if the day is mourning the loss. I kind of feel as if I grew up with the guy.

 The Eagles were just hitting the airwaves big time when I was in the military. At any given time - especially if you had been assigned Guard Duty (such a ridiculous thing where we were). You could wander from floor to floor and hear the music coming from every corner of the building.

 The Dayroom - where guys gathered to play cards, or pool, or watch TV - was another place the music would be blaring from during the evening hours...unless, of course someone insisted on actually hearing the program on the telly. Though, truthfully, nine times out of ten, at least one guy was lying on one of the couches or sitting in a chair jacking off.

 When you live in such close quarters, you sort of get used to seeing naked bodies, boners, and guys whacking off.

 For as short a time we're here, as one of my favorite Eagles songs says "it's a long road" through life. We should savor each and every moment we have. Slow down. Relax. Chill out. Spend some time with nature. And enjoy what it has given us.

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