Saturday, January 30, 2016

Former Mayor Of London Denies Being “Sodomized By Six Men In Succession At A Gay Orgy”

London would be lucky to have such a mayor.
From: NewNowNext
Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London, has formally denied claims that he was “sodomized by six men in succession at a gay orgy.”

Livingstone said the rumor was cooked up by his rivals in Britain’s conservative Tory party while speaking with The BBC December 3rd. The conversation centered around Prime Minister David Cameron’s recent decision to launch air strikes in Syria and his labeling of anyone in opposition as “terrorist sympathizers.”

Livingstone, who recently said terrorists who carried out London’s 7/7 bombings were “giving their lives” in protest of the Iraq war, was asked if he believed Cameron’s comment was prompted by his.

“It’s a smear campaign that’s absolutely typical of the Tories,” he said. “Don’t forget, you had Tory central office people wandering around the newspapers back when I was leader of the GLC [Greater London Council] saying I’d been sodomised by six men in succession at a gay orgy.”

So no, queen, that wasn’t Ken Livingstone at your party last year. But for what it’s worth it sounds like it was a great party.

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