Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Cher Donated 180,000 Bottles Of Water To Flint, Michigan. Because She’s Cher, Bitch!

"This is a tragedy of staggering proportion and shocking that it's happening in the middle of our country."
From: NewNowNext
If you follow Cher’s Twitter account (and shame on you if you don’t), you know she doesn’t shy away from taking a stand on important issues.

And when she can, the Dark Lady makes a difference.
Saturday, it was announced Cher partnered with Icelandic Glacial bottled water company to donate more than 181,000 bottles to the residents of Flint, Michigan, who have found their water supplied tainted by lead contamination.

 “This is a tragedy of staggering proportion and shocking that it’s happening in the middle of our country,” said the Moonstruck star, who reached out to Icelandic Glacial investor Brad Horwitz, an old friend, for help.

 Reports indicate the people of Flint haven’t had clean drinking water since 2014, when government officials began sourcing water from the Flint River without properly treating it.

 The bottles are expected to reach the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan by Wednesday. President Obama has declared the situation an emergency and approved federal aid.

In tweeting about the crisis, Cher indicated she spoke with Flint Mayor Karen Weaver, whom she called “a dedicated public servant who seems to care so much.”

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