Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bo Dean Paralyzed From Waist Down

GoFundMe account set up for Bo Dean's medical expenses
From: Fleshbot
Even though our favorite gay porn stars will eventually retire, and that's okay, we still wonder how they're doing, and what they've been up to. Though some remain active on social media, after they retire, it's harder to keep up with them.

We have some news on former gay porn star Bo Dean

A GoFundMe was set up for Dean, who was in an argument with a friend while in New Orleans in November. He was shot in the chest, suffered a spinal cord injury, and is paralyzed from the waist down. The incident comes on the heels of Dean losing his home to a fire, and having to start from scratch.

The page was set up for mounting medical expenses, including medicines, wheelchair, treatments, rehabilitation, and his stay at the hospital.

On November 28, while in New Orleans, Michael (Bo) was tragically shot in the chest while having an argument with a friend. He was rushed to University Medical Center, where he remains and is receiving critical medical care. He suffered an injury to the spinal cord. He's paralyzed from the waist down.
He has no insurance. No source of income, no way to pay the mounting medical bills and other related expenses ( medicines, wheelchair, treatments, rehabilitation etc etc. ) This unfortunate incident happened right after we lost our home and was destroyed by a fire. We've lost pretty much everything and had to start from scratch.

Bo Dean was most popular from 2009-2011 and was known for being Jake Cruise / Cocksure Men's first exclusive model. After parting ways with Cocksure Men, Dean went on to work for a host of studios, including Hot House,, and Next Door Studios.

In an update to the page, Melanie his friend, posted that "he's getting stronger" every day:

Everyday he's getting stronger though. Just today doing his therapy- he was able to transfer from bed to wheelchair by himself and was able to roll himself out to the elevator to the hallways of the hospital. Yoohoo! So proud of him.

There is still no word of a release date.

If you would like to donate to the GoFundMe page, do so here. To speak with Melanie, the campaign organizer before doing so, do so here.

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