Monday, September 28, 2015

Classic Television - Prime Time

The ABC Monday Night Movie
Original channel
Original run
Winter 1970 – present

The ABC Monday Night Movie (styled ABC Monday Movie of the Week since 2004) is an anthology series on the ABC television network. It is part of ABC's Movie of the Week format. It began as an extension of The ABC Sunday Night Movie

Airing movies on Monday nights was far more common during the time in which ABC held rights to Monday Night Football, which occupied four months of ABC's prime time schedule and required any scripted series on Monday night to be a midseason replacement. ABC transferred its Monday Night Football rights to ESPN in 2006, clearing the Monday night time slot for regular scripted programming. (ABC now has a similar strategy with the ABC Saturday Night Movie, which airs after the end of the Saturday Night Football college package.)

HELP! I’m Panicking About Coming Out To My Religious Family

"They're crazy religious and unpredictable."
From: NewNowNext
A Muslim teen in the UK has turned to Reddit in a panic, fearful that his parents are about learn he is gay.

Last night 15-year-old user ” _bagels” shared his story on the LGBT subreddit:

I guess I might be coming out soon. I honestly don’t know what to do. My parents are crazy religious and really unpredictable. The optimistic side of me is thinking they’d accept it, but it’s pretty much obvious they won’t.
I just need advice. Advice on what to do if they kick me out, try to move me away, take me out of school, send me to a distant relative in some small rural village within Pakistan.
At this point, anything is a possibility to me. I have no idea how to handle this or what to say when they start asking questions, I’m just at a blank.

Urged by other users to stay in the closet if his safety is in jeopardy, _bagels explained that his parents have practically forced it out of him.

“I don’t think it’s really going to be my decision,” he writes, “I’m always getting trapped in certain arguments and threats of ’We’ll talk later.’ It’s gonna have to happen.”

“I kinda get cornered into situations where I’m being interrogated about things,” he adds.

“Like if I wanted to not bring my parents to school or around people I knew (because I’m afraid they’d say something about it). They’d get me in places where I don’t have a way out unless I distract them with something else.”

He revealed that he talked to his dad about his sexuality once, “with the promise I’d ’get over it’ when I leave school. I’ve got maybe less than a year.”

Obviously dependent on his parents, _bagels says his options are limited: “I have friends who’d let me stay with them but my relatives are just as conservative, maybe more.”

Some users suggested he reach out to an LGBT help center, like the UK’s The Albert Kennedy Trust, which helps 16-25 year olds who are homeless or living in hostile environments.

But at 15, he still would have to wait to take advantage of their services.

What would you suggest? Share your advice in the comments section below.

Zachary Quinto And Miles McMillan Walking Their Pooches Is The Ultimate #RelationshipGoals

Could these two BE any cuter?
From: NewNowNext
 How was your weekend? Relaxing? Did you get a lot done? Did you clean up the apartment… finally? Well, I don’t know about yours, but judging from the looks of Zachary Quinto and Miles McMillan’s weekend, there’s was perfect.

 The two were spotted in downtown Manhattan on Sunday morning rocking sweats and cell phones, taking a light stroll with their two rescue pups, Noah and Skunk. (The two reportedly moved into their new $3.2 million apartment earlier this month.)

After making several appearances on television hows like Girls, Hannibal and of course his crowning achievement as the slapper in NBC’s short-lived The Slap, Quinto is returning to the silver screen, starring in the upcoming Star Trek Beyond as well as appearing as Glenn Greenwald in Oliver Stone’s political thriller, Snowden.

McMillan’s made sure Quinto isn’t the only breadwinner for the family, maintaining his top model status walking in Jeremy Scott’s show during NYFW.

A photo posted by Miles McMillan (@milesmcmillan) on

These two = Ultimate #RelationshipGoals

A photo posted by Zachary Quinto (@zacharyquinto) on

The Weekly ShoutOUT™

This week we give a ShoutOUT™ to … Peter Allen
From: NewNowNext
Australian Peter Richard Woolnough (10 February 1944 – 18 June 1992) was one of the great entertainers of his time, wowing audiences around the world until his death in 1992. But he probably made his biggest mark as a songwriter.

In 1972 he hit the Aussie pop chart for the first time with Tenterfield Saddler, which “tells the moving story of the musician’s life, from his much-loved grandfather, George Woolnough, his troubled relationship with his father and moving to New York to marry Liza Minnelli, “a girl with an interesting face”.

His first international smash was “I Honestly Love You,” which Olivia took to #1 around the world. Here he is performing the song for his family on the show This Is Your Life. With gay songwriters, we’re always looking for veiled references, and it’s hard not to hear “If we both were born in another place and time” and not wonder what he meant.

The 100 Greatest Lost Hits of The 80’s Part 2: The New Batch

From: NewNowNext
Robin Gibb 
“Boys Do Fall In Love”

The late Robin released his third solo album Secret Agent in 1984, and it would become his only charting solo album in the U.S., peaking at #97 on the Billboard 200 Album Chart, with the synthpop leadoff single “Boys Do Fall In Love” (written by Robin and Maurice Gibb) barely scratching the top 40, peaking at #37 in July 1984. It would be his last Hot 100 entry.

The video is … well, let’s just say I’m living for the calculator door lock.

On Papal Flight Back To Rome, Pope Francis Says Government Workers Have Every Right To Deny Gay Marriage Licenses

From: Queerty
"I can’t have in mind all cases that can exist about conscience objection. But, yes, I can say the conscientious objection is a right that is a part of every human right. It is a right. And if a person does not allow others to be a conscientious objector, he denies a right. Conscientious objection must enter into every juridical structure because it is a right, a human right. Otherwise we would end up in a situation where we select what is a right, saying ‘this right that has merit, this one does not.’ It is a human right, and if a government official is a human person, he has that right.”
Pope Francis on the papal flight back to Rome, speaking to ABC’s Terry Moran, in reference to clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples

10 Queer Films That Will Teach You More LGBT History Than 'Stonewall'

 Though the first big-budget film about the 1969 Stonewall riots has finally reached theaters, it's becoming increasingly clear that Stonewall does no justice to Stonewall. No one's claiming you can get all of LGBT history from one film, of course, but if you did want a crash course in queer history on film — whether through fictional narrative, documentary form or mixed-genre — then there are a few films that can jump start your education.

The Celluloid Closet
If you want a movie to teach you about LGBT history, where better to start than a movie that teaches you about the history of LGBT people in film? Based on the book by Vito Russo and narrated by Grace & Frankie star Lily Tomlin, Closet came out a few years after queer activists were sick of being scapegoated as killers in films like Silence of the Lambs or Kennedy.

Closet laid bare a long history of antigay coded language and images in film, leading back to the earliest films in the '20s, when the stereotype of the sissy pervaded silent cinema.

ManCrushMonday: Deividi Lucas

From: Dude Tube
I thought we could spend this week's #ManCrushMonday with Deividi Lucas. I can't get enough of these superhot shots of this fit stud by photographer Laercio Luz. I think Deividi should be expecting a call from Disney to become their new spokesperson.

Man Buns-Explained

From: Vox
Two man buns, posing for you
 Last week, the New York Times published an analysis of man bun hairstyles in the United States. The verdict? The state of the man bun is strong.

So what are man buns, and what do they mean? Where did they come from? And most importantly, why, just...why? Though it's impossible to exhaust the limits of 2015's most luscious and enigmatic hairstyle, we can catch you up on the man bun basics.

A few of the most common man buns
What is a man bun?

This question is harder to answer than you might think.

That's because the man bun is a surprisingly versatile hairstyle that incorporates many different elements. It's easiest to say what a man bun must include: hair from the top of the head, tied, and not hanging freely down (as it might in a ponytail).

But after that, just about anything goes. As the graphic below shows, dramatically different looks are still, technically, all man buns:

Lots of variables can affect a man bun's appearance, including:

The size of the bun. This depends on raw materials. If a man has a lot of hair to work with, he's likely to have a large bun that includes a lot of hair. If not, he's more likely to have a "nubbin" of hair that will stick up or out and not appear as a full bun (this style is occasionally called a "top knot").
The position of the knot. The bun or nubbin can appear on top of the head or toward the back, greatly affecting the look of the bun. If a man bun travels too far back on the head, it is called a "pony bun."
The hair on the side of the head. A full man bun uses the same base materials as a pony tail — a large amount of hair, on all sides, pulled back and put into a bun. However, just as particularly long hair isn't required for a man bun, side hair isn't required. Often, man bun wearers will shave the sides of their heads or closely clip the sides (a style called an "undercut").

Malibu Triathlon Turns Jack Falahee And Chace Crawford Into Beautiful Sweaty Messes

Now let's hit the shower.
From: NewNowNext
 Primetime babe Jack Falahee placed third in the celebrity division of the Nautica Malibu Triathlon in Malibu on Sunday, and by the time he crossed the finish line, he was looking like a true professional athlete.

 The How To Get Away With Murder star looked exhausted sprinting in the final stretch, drenched in sweat and possibly a little hard-earned vomit:
In other words, Jack Falahee has never looked hotter:

Falahee was joined by his pal Chace Crawford of Gossip Girl fame, who’s currently starring in Blood & Oil. Chase looked sufficiently less exhausted than his bud, but then again, he also didn’t snag a medal in the process.

Falahee has been training for the triathlon since at least July, when he announced he was doing it to raise money to benefit the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. In total, he raised $11,813 of his $7,500 goal.

Both Falahee and Crawford stopped near the finish line to chat with reporters. And yes, they were still looking pretty damn good there too

Athletic, intellectual, and fine as hell. Jack Falahee, will you marry me?

Love Is Blind

From: kenneth in the (212)

CHICAGO—Admitting it took them some time to come around to the idea, the parents of local woman Laura Stevens said Wednesday that they had finally accepted their daughter’s mixed-attractiveness relationship with Kyle Baker, a man who is considerably worse-looking than she is. “To be honest, we were quite surprised when Laura brought Kyle to the house for the first time, but eventually we came around to it,” said Stevens’ mother, Janet, who noted that the pair were still met with uncomfortable stares and disapproval from other family members—especially Laura’s grandmother—at last year’s Thanksgiving dinner. “Her father was particularly upset at first, but now I think he’s learned to accept it, and he’s even grown to like Kyle. Besides, Kyle seems to make Laura happy, and that’s all that really matters.” Janet Stevens went on to say that, if the two ever got married, she would love their children no matter how average-looking they are.

Homophobic Memories Pizza Just Catered This Gay Guy’s Wedding

Memories' owners famously swore they'd never provide pizza for a same-sex wedding, but Robin Trevino found a loophole.
From: NewNowNext
 Remember Memories Pizza, the Indiana pizzeria that swore it would never cater a gay wedding? Months after playing the “religious freedom” card—and raking in $840,000 in donations—Memories owners Crystal O’Conner and dad Kevin just catered their first same-sex wedding nuptials.

Comedian Robin Trevino was getting married to partner Jason Delgatto in their home state of Illinois, but decided to drive to Walkerton, Indiana, on Friday to get a few pies from Memories for the reception.

On Saturday, the happy couple—and their 1-year-old daughter—served Memories Pizza to all their guests.

Trevino recorded his experience, and the aftermath, as part of a video series for gay comedy troupe GayCo, which is celebrating a different state each week to commemorate the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling.

He never told the Conners what he was ordering the pizzas for, but it’s still rewarding to see someone find a loophole around their bigotry.

Watch Trevino’s video, and a clip from his wedding ceremony, below

Hillary Clinton Explains Her 2004 Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage: “I Did Evolve”

She reminded everyone that Barack Obama once opposed same-sex marriage as well.
From: NewNowNext
Hillary Clinton addressed her much-publicized evolution on marriage equality during an interview with Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press yesterday, and acknowledged that her views haven’t always been so progressive.

Todd presented Clinton with three issues she’s historically flip-flopped on — one being marriage equality — in a segment narrated by her own words.

Todd played a clip from a speech Clinton gave in 2004 in which she declared, “I believe that marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman,” and juxtaposed it with a second clip from a speech she gave earlier this year, on the day the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality. “This morning, love triumphed in the highest court in our land,” she said.

Asked whether her positions “have changed out of political expediency,” Clinton said, “I don’t think that reflects my assessment of issues.”

The former Secretary of State was also quick to defend her evolution on the issue.

“On same-sex marriage, like a lot of people, including our president, I did evolve,” she said. “And I was not raised to even imagine this. And I’m thrilled now that it is the law of the land. And I have a lot of good friends who are now able to be married because of the changes we’ve made legally and constitutionally.”

In April, Clinton’s camp became the first in the 2016 Presidential run to fully endorse same-sex marriage nationwide. A statement released by her office read: “Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right.”

You can check out her comments in the video below, marriage equality talk starting around the 12:30 mark.