Monday, September 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton Explains Her 2004 Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage: “I Did Evolve”

She reminded everyone that Barack Obama once opposed same-sex marriage as well.
From: NewNowNext
Hillary Clinton addressed her much-publicized evolution on marriage equality during an interview with Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press yesterday, and acknowledged that her views haven’t always been so progressive.

Todd presented Clinton with three issues she’s historically flip-flopped on — one being marriage equality — in a segment narrated by her own words.

Todd played a clip from a speech Clinton gave in 2004 in which she declared, “I believe that marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman,” and juxtaposed it with a second clip from a speech she gave earlier this year, on the day the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality. “This morning, love triumphed in the highest court in our land,” she said.

Asked whether her positions “have changed out of political expediency,” Clinton said, “I don’t think that reflects my assessment of issues.”

The former Secretary of State was also quick to defend her evolution on the issue.

“On same-sex marriage, like a lot of people, including our president, I did evolve,” she said. “And I was not raised to even imagine this. And I’m thrilled now that it is the law of the land. And I have a lot of good friends who are now able to be married because of the changes we’ve made legally and constitutionally.”

In April, Clinton’s camp became the first in the 2016 Presidential run to fully endorse same-sex marriage nationwide. A statement released by her office read: “Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right.”

You can check out her comments in the video below, marriage equality talk starting around the 12:30 mark.

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