Sunday, December 20, 2015

“You are not to touch yourself when other people are home, son. What if it had been someone other than me who had walked in on you?”

From: collegespank

I squirm away from the slaps, my still-hard dick rubbing against the rough denim of his jeans. “I’m sorry, Dad! I wasn’t thinking.”

“I know you weren’t. But I’m going to make sure you have a sore, red bottom to remind you next time.”

The smacks are hard, fast, and steady. My hips buck up and down in rhythm with the pain. I can feel the warmth of his thigh. “Dad, please! It hurts! I don’t think I can take anymore!”
“That’s not your decision to make, is it? I’m the father, here, and I’m in charge. Of you, your little butt, and the fire inside it. When I say it should be bare and red and stinging, it is. Do you understand me?”

He spanks so fast that I can’t tell the individual swats apart. I can’t stop my hips pumping against his leg. I moan and shudder, my feet curling up in pleasure and pain and humiliation. One last hard smack, and cum shoots out of my dick, all over his lap.

“Y-yes, Dad,” I sputter out. “I understand.”

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