Tuesday, December 1, 2015

These 17 Posters Powerfully Document The AIDS Epidemic Over The Last 30 Years

Only by remembering history can we better the future.
From: Huff Post
As we move further and further into the 21st century, more and more people in The United States are finally gaining access to affordable prevention and treatment for HIV. However, that is a relatively recent reality and while we're encouraged by the strides we've made, stigma related to HIV remains extremely pervasive.

In commemoration of World Aids Day, today, Dec. 1, 2015, The University of Rochester is showcasing a powerful collection of 6,200 AIDS posters created between 1982 and the present day that are meant to inform and educate people about HIV.

The impressive collection includes posters from over 100 different countries in 60 languages. The Huffington Post discussed the historical significance of these posters this week with Joan Saab, Associate Professor of Art History/Visual and Cultural Studies at the University of Rochester.

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