Saturday, December 5, 2015

Here’s The Incredibly Awkward Raw Footage Ted Cruz Doesn’t Want You To See

From: Queerty
 Last week, Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign gave us all a good laugh with a cartoon version of the antigay candidate that looked absolutely nothing like him.
Let’s review…
Above -Cruz:
Above - Cartoon:
“Nothing from camp Cruz could possibly be more awkward than this,” we foolishly thought.

Thanks to a goofy campaign finance law loophole that allow candidates to pass on footage to their Super PACs via hidden-in-plain-sight YouTube accounts, Cruz’s team uploaded a staggering 16 hours of raw footage of Cruz and his family for the PACs to peruse at their leisure.
Luckily, Gawker browsed through all the footage to come up with this cringe-inducing highlight reel.
Let the advanced-level awkwardness commence:

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