Thursday, December 3, 2015

"God Isn't Fixing This!" - Congress Needs to Step the F*&K Up and ACT NOW!

From: Wicked Gay
WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA, enough is enough with democrats and liberals being passive on this topic, we MUST fight for gun control legislature NOW not later. This is ridiculous America. The NRA and a fringe group of Republicans have blood on their hands and it is unacceptable. They are ALLOWING this murder to take place and feel not an ounce of guilt or responsibility!

I had a person tell me yesterday that this wouldn't happen if every man and woman in the USA had a gun. Really? That would solve it? That makes a lot of fucking sense?!

I had an uncle tell me recently that he won't give up hunting. That's fine, but how much firepower does one need to hunt a defenseless deer?

I am not suggesting no guns. I am suggesting gun controls, better checks, psychological evaluations, decreased fire power ability.

There have been 355 mass shooting in the United States this year alone. Something needs to be done now!

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