Sunday, December 6, 2015

Five Reasons "The Wiz Live!" Was The Gayest Thing On TV This Year

From: Queerty

Mary J. Blige Camps It Up
We were ready for our big villain by the time Mary J. Blige stomped onstage, and boy did she give.  If ever oh ever there’s a role in The Wiz that calls for going a bit big, it is Evillene and Mary J. Blige didn’t disappoint. She didn’t play “Evillene” so much as she played “the bitchiest version of Mary J. Blige anyone has ever seen,” and it was everything to watch.
It was a scenery chomping performance, and by the time she finished “No Bad News” we wanted the cast rushed offstage for fear of the sets collapsing around them. The most delicious camp is of the unintentional variety, and we were pretty much licking our fingers after her few scenes. Oh yeah, and bonus points for accusing Dorothy of “casting shade.”

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