Thursday, December 17, 2015

Five Dumbass Antigay Activists Who Unintentionally Helped Our Cause This Year

From: Queerty
Antonin Scalia

The grumpy, 79-year-old Supreme Court Justice has become so relentless in his hatred of all things gay that it’s almost laughable. In the past, he’s referred to same-sex marriage as “an overcooked meat loaf” and questioned whether LGBTQ people really exist. In his dissent of last June’s ruling on marriage equality, he channeled his inner six-year-old with an epic tantrum, calling the ruling a “social upheaval” and the Supreme Court, in general, a “threat to American democracy.” Then he accused his colleagues of being “pretentious” and “egotistic” before comparing their thoughts to the “mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie.” Yet despite everything Scalia says and does, LGBTQ folks have more rights and visibility today than ever before. It would appear his polarizing antigay sentiment is having the opposite effect on people than what he intends.

Time to change your strategy, Antonin. Better yet, time to retire.

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