Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Aid for AIDS... #WorldAidsDay

From: Wicked Gay
A reader suggested in honor of World AIDS day, that I post an opportunity for some to help those far less fortunate than us in the United States about the Aid for AIDS program that redistributes outside the US unused and unexpired expensive HIV meds.
Given WGB’s diverse readers, some of you may have access to unused meds, and with the increase in single pill regimens, many people are shifting to a different medication regimen. This impacts those on PrEP as well, since if you decide not to pursue that due to side effects or other reasons, don’t let those expensive Truvada pills to go waste/throw out in the wastebasket! At about $40/pill it adds up pretty quickly.
They have drop off pharmacy locations in major areas like NYC and LA, but there is also information on shipping it to them in NYC in a padded envelope. It is your choice whether to be anonymous or not for the donor form. (See the link below for additional details.)
What a great opportunity to help others at minimal cost/inconvenience to you. So please consider this if you are able, and equally importantly share the message to those you know that might also be in a position to supply expensive medications to those far less fortunate.
Finally - remember we all have a responsibility for those long gone before us to get tested regularly. 
Together as a community let’s take a supportive stance and actions to help end this disease.
TO DONATE: Aid for AIDS http://aidforaids.org/

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