Wednesday, December 30, 2015

10 Ways This Was A Banner Year For Transgender People

From: Queerty
Anti-trans violence

Trans women of color (TWOC) comprise the communities hardest hit by anti-transgender violence. Documenting assaults and murders of trans people remains a challenge, because the media frequently fails to note the transgender identity of victims of violent crime. Further, many trans victims of violence are engaged in sex work and/or are from communities that are deeply distrustful of police, making it less likely they will make a formal report when assaulted. This year saw some promising efforts to raise awareness of this violence epidemic: The New York Times published an extended Transgender Today op-ed series on trans issues and trans first-person narratives, which helped to humanize trans people and raise awareness of the challenges the community faces. In the past, this sort of coverage was usually limited to progressive publications.  GLAAD compiled an excellent overview of this year’s media coverage of anti-trans violence as part of their Transgender Day of Remembrance campaign.

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