Friday, November 6, 2015

Where the sun don’t shine! NSFW embroidery for adults focuses on the human anatomy

NSFW embroidery for adults focuses on the human anatomy  
From: OMG
 Sally Hewett creates embroidery which uses boobs, butt, boners, and vaginas as her practice’s focus and shows at galleries like Saatchi Art, where her works run as high as $800 a pop. Hewett’s says of her work:

Men and women almost ritualistically shave and remove hair from their bodies – beards, underarm hair, pubic hair, leg hair etc, whereas other hair – hair on the head, eyebrows, eyelashes – are valued and encouraged to flourish. But there is other hair which not everyone has. Sometimes this special hair seems to be reason to feel ashamed. A large number of women and men submit their bodies to extraordinary procedures in the name of convention or beauty – liposuction, implants, scarification, surgery, laser treatment, electrolysis etc.

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