Sunday, November 29, 2015

Planned Parenthood Shooter Killed Cop Who Was An Evangelical Pastor

From: Boy Culture
Swasey, as seen in an early-'90s picture posted on Facebook
by his ex-figure skating partne
Nancy Kerrigan remembers her childhood friend, Officer Garrett Swasey, who was among three people killed (and a total of 12 shot) by anti-abortion, anti-Obama, anti-government nut Robert Lewis Dear at a Colorado Springs, Colorado, Planned Parenthood location on Friday.

Swasey, along with being a heroic cop, was an Evangelical Christian pastor.

Dear allegedly brought up “baby parts” when he was taken—alive, unwounded—into custody by police. Carly Fiorina and many other Republican presidential candidates have made a big stink about the video they've seen proving that Planned Parenthood deals in baby body parts, a video since proven to be suspect at best—Fiorina described non-existent dialogue, and the video released in full appears to be from a miscarriage, not an abortion, and in no way is tied to Planned Parenthood. Fiorina continues to demonize Planned Parenthood, even as families await word on whether their injured loved ones from Friday's mass shooting will live or die, and as others prepare to bury their dead.

Huffington Post wonders if this is another sign that the U.S. is about to face more homegrown terrorism.

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