Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25th is Shopping Reminder Day

Shopping Reminder Day is today. On your mark. Get Set. Go Shop!

If we all heed this reminder, there is no doubt the malls and stores will be mobbed. But, wait a minute!? Isn't the holiday season already in full gear? Aren't we being blasted with ads on Television, radio, newspapers and billboards? How could we not know, that it's time to shop for the holidays?

There is no shortage of fun, crazy, wacky and special days. Some of them are a little "wackier" than others. As we pondered this special day, we realized if you  need a special day this time of year, to remind you to do your holiday shopping, then it's not just this special day that's a little wacky .......  

So, just in case you weren't thinking about it.... please remember to do your holiday shopping.

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