Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25th is Blase´Day

Blase’ Day is celebrated annually on November 25.

Today we have permission to be blase’ toward just about anything. November 25 is National Blase’ Day.

Of French origin meaning to be indifferent or bored with life, unimpressed, as or as if from an excess of worldly pleasures.

Unimpressed the pumpkin spice everything? It’s okay to be blase’ about it today. Heard the same pop song for the 4th time today? Be blase’. Nothing on TV tonight? Just be blase’. Bored by your friend’s team winning their 266th game in a row? Yep, you got it. Whether it’s that 20 page Christmas letter, your mom’s constant picture taking or the fifth night of left over pizza, you can be blase’.

There are also several ways to express your blase’ feelings.  Meh.  Yawn. Tune out. Use #Blase’ Day to post on social media.

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