Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14th is Spirit of NSA (National Speakers Association)

To continue NSA’s legacy of sharing and giving, November 14 is a national day of advocacy encouraging NSA members to support one another. Every November 14 serves as a reminder to NSA members to:

Focus on giving back
Provide genuine support to speaking colleagues
Take time to connect, help, mentor or refer business to other members without any expectation of reciprocation
The Meaning Behind Spirit of NSA Day
Many members already know, or have heard of, NSA Founder Cavett Robert, CSP, CPAE. He believed the strength of spirit and growth of our profession would prevail, if all of our members focus on unconditionally giving of themselves to our community on this day. The NSA community is known for the concept of removing competition by building a bigger market for all speakers. The strength of NSA is in the education we provide and the strong community we have built. As a member, you are asked to support the Spirit of NSA by introducing colleagues to clients, referring business or mentoring emerging speakers.

Help the legacy continue and build a bigger NSA pie by participating in Spirit of NSA Day on November 14!

How you can participate in Spirit of NSA Day:

Provide peer to peer encouragement
Introduce a colleague to a potential client
Refer business to a colleague
Mentor an emerging speaker

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