Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14th is National Spicy Guacamole Day

National Spicy Guacamole Day is celebrated annually on November 14.  Call your friends, get the chips ready and celebrate with a bowl of spicy guacamole dip.

Originating with the Aztecs in Mexico, guacamole is an avocado-based sauce which has become popular in American cuisine as a dip, condiment and salad ingredient. 

Guacamole is made by using a mortar and pestle to mash ripe avocados and then mixing in sea salt.  Sometimes tomatoes, onion, garlic, lemon juice, chili, yogurt or other seasonings are added.  Jalapenos, chilis, cumin or red pepper can be added to the recipe to make the guacamole spicy.

Because of Super Bowl Sunday and Cinco de Mayo, guacamole has pushed avocado sales to 30 million pounds on those two days each year. 

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