Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hayden Quinn:

 Good Enough to Eat
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
I have had an image of a hot surfer saved for awhile, problem was it wasn't credited. I stuck it away planning to google image search it at a later date. I didn't get to it, but last week however, I saw the image again, time identified as the delicious Hayden Quinn. Hayden is a former contestant on Masterchef Australia who went on to appear in the 2011 edition and again on Masterchef Australia All-Stars.
 Really, could you ask for more in a man? Hot, fit, a cook, a lifeguard and surfer, and did I mention he's also a marine biologist? Deal me in! Hayden clearly made an impression on fans of the show, and went on to model, including for Bonds underwear, write cook books and host his own 13 part show cooking, travel and adventure show ABC3 in Australia, Hayden Quinn: South Africa

 Masterchef comp

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