Friday, November 6, 2015

George H.W. Bush Finally Gets It Right: “[Gay] People Have A Right To Be Happy”

Better late than never!
From: NewNowNext
George H. W. Bush opens up about the problems that plagued his son’s presidency and, surprisingly, his personal evolution on the topic of same-sex marriage in a new biography titled Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush, out November 10.

According to The New York Times, the senior Bush describes himself as having “mellowed” since the years he spent opposing same-sex marriage during his presidency:

While gearing up for his 1988 campaign, Mr. Bush said in his audio diary that Americans “don’t want homosexual marriages codified.” 

In retirement, he attended a same-sex marriage and in September of this year sent [biography author] Mr. [Jon] Meacham a note to clarify his position. 

“Personally, I still believe in traditional marriage,” Mr. Bush wrote. “But people should be able to do what they want to do, without discrimination. People have a right to be happy. I guess you could say I have mellowed.”

As much was deduced earlier this year when a photo of H.W. Bush attending (and possibly officiating) the same-sex wedding of longtime family friends in Maine became fodder for the media.

However, much of the press surrounding the new biography will likely focus on H.W.’s scathing opinion of the men who hijacked his son’s presidency, Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

“He had his own empire there and marched to his own drummer,” H.W. Bush said of Cheney. “It just showed me that you cannot do it that way. The president should not have that worry.”

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