Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Diaries of a teenage exhibitionist |

4. Laura
From: Take It Off. Yes, All Of It. Now

Warning: This one contains some CFNM/mild femdom

After I had returned home from Mark’s the last time, I’d gone straight to my room, stripped and had the fastest and most intense wank of my life. 
In the weeks that followed I could think about little else. It was hard for me to process. On the one hand I’d been having sneaky wanks in odd places for a few years (the riskiest being on the back seat of a bus). On the other, I was or at least had been very shy about even being seen shirtless, let alone naked. And yet I’d ended up stripping for someone I barely knew. Twice. And that thought alone was enough to give me a raging hardon every time I thought it. Did that mean I was gay? I definitely didn’t want to have sex with Mark but I loved the way he’d talked to and touched me. Something about his quiet but demanding tone meant he’d been able to push me to go much further than id ever imagined id dare to go.
So when he called to invite me for a drink the following afternoon with his neighbor Laura, I fell over myself to accept. Even though I knew there’d be no repeat of last time with her there, I  was intrigued and willing to take whatever contact I could get.
When I arrived, Laura had not yet shown up. “She’s running 15 minutes late for her life” joked Mark. We sat around just making small talk, which in a way was a relief. I didn’t want to be worked up when I met her after all. 
When Mark showed her in, she wasn’t quite what id expected. Somehow I must have subconsciously had some housewife stereotype in my head. Laura was nothing like that. She looked to be thirty-something, tall, dark haired with a great figure and (to me anyway) nice boobs. After she introduced herself, she sat next to me on the sofa and the two of us talked about moving house, school, but mostly about her; her ex boyfriend, her job running her own dance school. Mark sat opposite us and was unusually quiet, only occasionally joining in.
After an hour or so I was really warming to her. There was a lull in the conversation in which she and Mark had passed a look, then she turned to me and said “So André, Mark was right when he said what a sweet boy you are. But I have to admit that one thing in particular he said got me curious.”
“What’s that then?”
“He called you his ‘little exhibitionist’,” she said, laughing. 
I couldn’t believe I’d heard right. What had he told her? She looked me slowly and deliberately up and down before shifting her gaze back to my face. “So are you André? I like the sound of that, a cute young guy living next door who doesn’t mind the nice girl next door taking a little look at him now and then. Or a lot.” She laughed harder at that and I just smiled, thinking the joke would pass if I left it alone.  
“Mark, what was it you said again about his stomach?” she asked. Mark took a sip of his drink and in between crunching ice cubes replied “Totally flat. Not a gram of fat on him.”
She looked thoughtful. “Oh really? I love that,” and before I knew what was happening, she slid her hand under my shirt and began stroking my stomach. 
“Feels great, nice and hard.” Again this was said to Mark. “OK if I take a look?” and she smiled at him before moving her other hand up to my chest where it proceeded to unbutton my shirt. I couldn’t believe she was just sitting there doing it, though I also felt flattered this sexy woman was interested in me.  She methodically unbuttoned them all, after the last opening my shirt up while she continued gently stroking my belly. 
“Much better,” she said, as if she’d just rearranged the cushions on the sofa to make herself more comfortable. I was trying to make eye contact with her but without success. She had them fixed on my chest and stomach. 
“Nice belt.” she murmured. I was wearing a wide leather belt in my jeans. “Looks a little tight though don’t you think Mark?”
She smiled mischievously at me, running her finger back and forth on my stomach and tugging playfully at my belt. Then looking me in the eye, she took the loop of leather at the buckle gingerly between her small thumb and forefinger, pulling it till the end of the belt came free before flipping it back the other way until it hung open. She smiled at me again and as she did so, tugged at the waistband of my jeans saying “His pants are way too tight too. You think I should fix that?”
“It would be irresponsible not to,” Mark said with a shrug. Incredulously, I watched her hand move to the button on my pants, flicking it loose. But as my chin dropped, she placed 2 delicate fingers under it, forcing me to look her in the face. She gazed intently at me as her hand continued down and I felt my jeans grow steadily looser as she undid one button after another.
As soon as I had felt my belt being opened I had started getting hard. Now, as if prodding a ripe melon, she pushed her finger down hard on the bulge in the front of my now open hanging pants. “You were right Mark, he really does like it. Reminds me of my ex. Did I ever tell you about him?”
“Repeatedly,” replied Mark. 
“Sarcasm doesn't suit you. I don't mean that. Before all the crap. The night we played cards with the girls.”
“What girls?”
“Mona, Kim. You know what they’re like,” she said, resuming her soft strokes across my belly. 
Mark crunched another ice cube. 
“Oh yeah. Trouble.”
Laura stopped her idle stroking of my stomach long enough to take another drink. 
“Why trouble?” I asked.
Without taking her eyes off her glass she said quietly “Be quiet André, the grownups are talking. Now stand up.”
“But what are you g-”
“What did I just tell you? On your feet. Now!”
Her tone was totally different to just a few minutes earlier. The sudden sharpness in her voice gave her an unexpected authority. I struggled to my feet, holding onto my pants to stop them sliding down. She sat there looking up at me. “Now put your hands behind your head”
“But then my pants will fall do-”
She was on her feet in a second and before I knew what was happening she had my nipples pinched between both her thumbs and forefingers. 
Looking me sternly in the eye she said quietly, “ André. Put. Your. Hands. Behind. Your. Head.” She punctuated each word by pinching steadily harder, leaving me gasping.
As I did as she said, I felt my jeans sag further, so that all I could do was stand with my legs apart to keep them falling down to my knees.
“I thought you said he was obedient?” she said to Mark. 
“You’re the one with all the so called expertise in that area. I cant help it if you suck at it.”
“Oh shut up smart ass. What was I saying?”
“Cards. Kim. Mona. Erik. ”
“Oh yeah. You know what Erik was like. Couldn’t keep it in his pants. Bit like André here. He did have a great body but didn’t he just know it. Always 'accidentally’ being caught in his boxers when one of the girls was over. Thinking I didn’t know. Anyway, one night we’d had a few wines and he was flirting with the girls in a way that was just a little too far past fooling around for my liking. Suddenly this perfectly formulated idea just seemed to pop out of nowhere in my head. If Erik liked being caught by these two so much, maybe I should give him what he wanted, plus a little extra. So I suggested playing a little strip blackjack. No prizes for guessing who thought that was the best idea ever. But what he didn’t know was that Mona had worked at a casino for a few years. I gave her a deck I’d picked up, whispered 'marked’ in her ear and knew from her grin that she understood exactly what I was up to.”
She looked at me for a second and took a step closer. 
“Fingertips you said, right?” she said, glancing at Mark. 
“Yep. If that's not too subtle for you.”
She gave him a look but didn't reply, placing the tips of both forefingers on my nipples and making tiny circles. The sensation was so intense I gasped for air. 
“Damn. That boy’s tits are more sensitive than mine!”
“Told you so. You’ll make him hyperventilate in a minute.”
“I thought it was just you gay guys liked that. Is he gay?”
“Maybe. So.. marked deck.”
She stopped teasing me and sat down again. That last exchange rang in my ears. Gay. Mark was gay. And me?
“Anyway we played a few games. We had Kim lose her blouse just to keep him interested, but pretty soon we had him down to his underwear." 
As she was talking she began slowly pulling my pants steadily lower. 
"And that horny little slut loved every minute, standing there shaking his backside like a stripper when he lost his pants and not at all ashamed of the fact we could all see exactly how much he was enjoying himself through those white Calvin Klein's he always wore. Just like this one. Look,” she said. She had my jeans down to my knees by that point, spinning me around by the hips to show Mark the obvious outline of my cock in my undies. He glimpsed at my crotch then grinned at her. “Told you. So go on.”
“Erik got a little less cocky when he lost his boxers. I always thought he had a nice cock but it was kind of crooked and he was a bit self-conscious about it. He would only take his underwear off if we let him turn around to do it. Not that the girls minded, because whatever else he was, he had one of the cutest tushies I ever saw on a guy. Like a peach.”
I felt her hands running over my backside. “This one’s not quite so well developed. Still nice though. But does he always wear these little boy briefs?” she asked, slapping my arse with the back of her hand. 
I had foolishly chosen to wear an old pair of white jockeys that day, ones I didn’t even like. 
“It’s not as if I've been through his undies drawer, but he said this is what he wears. And let’s just say that if a pair blow off the line and over the fence, he won’t be getting them back.”
“You should talk. But he had a cute little red pair on last time. In fact the same pair he had on when he did his little strip and wank show in front of the window a while back. You know, the one I told you about. " 
My heart skipped a few times. So Mark had been spying on me. Had watched me get horny that night. Seen me get naked. Fuck… and cum. The binoculars.. How many times before had he been watching? All those wank sessions on my bed?
"Hmm” mused Laura. “Did he cum nice? He’s so sweet looking it probably comes out in little boxes. Never mind, it’s more fun to find out for myself.”
“So do I get to hear the end of your damn story? Talk about dragging it out. You’d gotten Erik stripped naked. Then what?”
“We told him that if he wanted to stay in the game and have a fair chance of getting us naked too, he had to do a dare if he lost any more hands - no refusals possible. He looked a little worried at that, but being a typical male said he had no problem with it. So I deliberately lost the next hand and my top. Well it wasn’t as if the girls hadn’t seen me in my bra before. He crowed at that, but not for long, because needless to say he didn’t win the next round. You should have seen him sitting there, covering himself with his hands and looking like a lost little boy while the girls and me sat there giggling and deciding what he’d have to do. So finally we told him he had to walk out the front door, come over here and ring your doorbell, then explain to you why he was standing there bare ass naked on your doorstep when you answered the door. And he wasn’t allowed to cover up either. He freaked at that, worried that you’d think he wanted to jump you, or some stupid idea. But I told him that if anyone would appreciate the joke and his cute little arse, it would be you. We followed him out to make sure he did it. Seeing him walk out onto the street completely naked like that, knowing I’d made him do it really hit a nerve with me. That was the first time I made a guy do something he didn’t want to, and I loved it. Not the last though as you know,” she said, giving Mark a meaningful look. “Of course you totally fucked up by not being home.”
“If I’d only known. I’d have so loved to have seen him naked” said Mark ruefully.“ You’re neglecting our guest by the way." 
"You’re right. So sorry.” She looked at me for the merest second. “ André, get your pants off.” Seeing my hesitation, she pulled the belt out of my pants in one sudden fluid movement, slapping it ominously across the palm of her hand. “Don’t make me tell you again.”
That was enough. I yanked off my shoes and socks and kicked my pants the rest of the way off. She looked back at Mark. “I think he found the second dare more challenging though. It was Kim’s idea and I could see the look on his face when she told him he had to submit himself to a close physical exam by all 3 of us. I spent 5 minutes alternately stroking and slapping that fine piece of arse and inviting the girls to admire it. He almost seemed to enjoy that. But when Kim and Mona said they both wanted to take a good closeup look at his cock because they hadn’t seen so many circumcised men, I could tell he found the idea genuinely humiliating. And cruel bitch that I am, I sort of got off on that. So they had him stand like our boy here is doing right now, in the submissive position. They teased him unmercifully first, making comments about his chest and the size of his balls - which were huge by the way - while running their hands all over him. Then Mona started pressing her DDs up against him while they made him stand there and submit to a minute examination of his cock and balls, all the while giggling away and making comments. He hated it. Served him right the bastard.”
“How can you be so sure? Maybe he secretly got off on humiliation. Some guys do. Isn’t that right André?” Mark’s tone of voice had changed now too. 
“Ah… I don’t really know about things like that,” I said quietly.
“Sweet.” said Laura. “We tell him to strip off, he does it like a good little boy then stands there with a hardon in his tighty whiteys and claims he doesn’t know if he likes it.”
“I’m not a little boy!” I protested.
“Shut up André,” she said, whacking me stintingly across my arse with my own belt.     
“So teach him. Tell me what happened with Erik. How do you know he was so humiliated?”
“Easy. While Dracula’s brides were giggling over his poor penis, he was limp like yesterday’s lettuce. Speaking of which, exhibiboy here doesn’t exactly seem to have that problem. Or will it shrink if I pull those stupid undies off him?”
“Maybe, but that’s no reason not to do it.” Mark replied.
“Possibly,” she mused. “Come here André.”
She pointed to a spot 30 centimeters from the couch. With her forefinger she hooked the waistband of my underwear out, looking inside and then back to Mark. “I’m glad to see he’s not circumcised,” she said to him before looking back to me, while she held the elastic waistband pulled tautly open. She raised her hand other hand and placed it on my belly.  “Aww, he’s shaking. Are you cold André?” she asked, sounding more than a little sarcastic. 
I hadn’t even been conscious of it but I was shivering quite noticeably. All I could do was shake my head. 
“Sure? Because if you want to put your clothes on and leave, go right ahead.” I stood, rooted to the spot. She lifted her hand from my stomach up to her mouth and in a stage whisper said to Mark, “He’s still here. I guess that means he doesn’t want to put it on, he wants to take it off.” And with that she finally let the elastic on my underwear go, letting it snap back loudly. 
“Well he seemed to like it last time,” said Mark. 
“Oh I can tell by the look on his face exactly what he needs. He’s younger than the other boys I’ve trained but I have the feeling he’s a natural to this. So André, when I tell you to, those little panties of yours are coming off. No protests, no smart remarks. You’re just dying to get naked and wave your dick around for us, so you might as well stop the innocent act right now." 
I felt my face burning with humiliation.
"So André ” she said, sounding more like my chemistry teacher than ever. “Pull those down and take them off." 
My hands were shaking feverishly as I slid my undies down to my ankles and stepped out of them.
"Now hand them to Mark.”
He pulled the briefs from my hand and sniffed them. 
“Damn André, don’t you shake it off after you piss?" 
They both laughed as Laura said "Now say thank you to Mark for letting you be naked in his house. Again.”
My voice was a whisper “Thank you for letting me be naked again.”
“Sir” she added. 
“You’re welcome André. If you’re a good boy, I’ll let you do it more often,” he laughed. 
“Come here naked boy,” she demanded. “Kneel in front of me, hands behind your head, facing Mark." 
I felt her hands on my bare arse as I did so.  
"Definitely not as nice as Erik’s, but then he had other.. shortcomings.”
“His dick went limp because 2 sexy women were fondling it?” Mark asked. 
“Pathetic I know. For once he wasn’t in control of the game and he hated it. I actually think he was pretty misogynist, deep down. He kept saying it wasn’t his fault and he needed 'tits’. So finally we agreed one of us would flash her boobs at him. We’d even let him choose who, but only if he stood up and played with himself for us after.”
As she spoke, her hands ran slowly over my arse and up my back until her fingertips were resting just under my nipples. “Of course he chose Mona. Typical guy, going for the biggest. They were nice though, I’ll give him that”
She slid her fingers up very slightly, circling, but that was enough to make my body shake. The sensation was almost unbearably intense, and as she continued to tease me, she leaned forward in her seat, putting her mouth next to my ear. 
“So there was Erik standing in front of  the three of us, pulling on his dick. And he was a good looking guy André. I bet you would have liked to have been there watching too. I think you’d love to see a real man like that playing with his cock, wouldn’t you?”
I tried to answer but I could only manage to nod my head. 
“And I have to say, it was a real buzz seeing my 2 best friends watch my boyfriend strip naked and stand there playing with himself. Like I was back in control of my life again. Now you’re really only a boy, but I know Mark would love to see you playing with yourself. Without needing binoculars I mean.”
My head snapped up to look at Mark. 
“Oh come on André, you didn’t seriously expect to leave your blinds open constantly with all the lights on, strip off and run around naked and think he wouldn’t look? Oh, and he just loved your show in the bathroom. In fact he was sure you knew he was watching. So, take your little - well OK, not so little - dick in your hand.”
I was astonished to feel I was rock hard. 
“Now pull the skin back. That what you meant Mark?” she asked looking over at him. 
“Oh yeah.”
“Good. Quite a nice cock on him actually” She moved her mouth back next to my ear. “So, now you’re going to give Mark and me a nice little show. You can start by turning round and getting on your hands and knees.”
I turned, looking confused. 
“Don’t be dense. Doggy position. Do it.”
I dropped into the position and heard Mark say “What a view. His balls are pulled up so tight I can barely see them.”
“That’s because the idea of playing with himself with you right here in the room is almost making him cream himself. Go and kneel in front of Mark André.” I slid round to position myself just inches from his knees. 
“Good boy. Now show him how turned on you get when you play with your nipples.”
I reached up, pinching them the way I liked. It felt 10 times more intense than when I did it in my room. 
“Look at him André. Show him how horny it makes you.”
Reluctantly, I raised my eyes to meet Mark’s amused gaze. Looking into his eyes while doing something so intimate made me feel even more naked and exposed, and I felt my cock twitch in response.
“You weren’t kidding Mark. He’s a born exhibitionist. Is he totally hard?”
I couldn’t take my eyes from his face, but I felt his hand close on my erection. He gave it a squeeze then slowly eased my foreskin back and forward a few times.
“Don’t wank him off. If he cums it’ll be because he does it himself. What do you think? Should we let him?”
“Oh he’s going to cum alright, whether he wants to or not.”
“Hmm OK. I guess you’re right. We don’t want to send him home so horny, he might explode.” Laura said laughing. 
“OK horny boy, Mark wants to watch you squirt yourself, so that’s what you’re going to do. But not before I tell you. Understood?”
I nodded as well as I could. 
“Let go of your tits.” I felt her slide in behind me, on her knees. “Now lean back on me and start wanking yourself off, slowly. Look Mark in the eyes while you do it, so he can see what a horny little boy you are.”
I did as she said, watching Mark’s greedy eyes flick from my eyes to my cock and back again. He ran his hands over my body, stroking slowly over my chest and stomach, cupping my balls and then sliding his hand underneath and across my arse. Laura slid in closer, resting her fingertips on my nipples as before. Her mouth was in my ear again as she said softly “Now André, 30 seconds from now you’re going to cum. 30..29…28…not a second before I tell you… 27.. 26… 25… That’s it, play with your cock… Keep looking at Mark… 24…23…22…21…20. Is he close Mark?”
“Ready to explode from the look in his eyes.”
“What a surprise. 19…18…17…16…15”
She began to gently pinch my nips in time with her count, a little harder on each number. 
I was wanking very slowly, feeling I could cum at any moment and trying desperately to hold back. 
I picked up my speed, getting ready to let go.
So close.
I could see Mark smirking at Laura over my shoulder. “This boy has potential” she said. He nodded.
“2…2…..1….” She pinched down hard, twisting. “Cum now André.” I felt my cock contract and the first wave of my orgasm wash over me, pleasure and pain melting together. Mark’s hand closed over mine, pumping my cock as I came. It seemed to last for several long minutes, but finally i lay still. Very gently, Laura laid my head on the floor and sat back on the couch looking amused. Mark sat looking at me for a moment, idly toying with my softening cock. 
“So horny boy, no need for false protestations now. From now on you do as you’re told.”
With my horny mood dissipated I felt incredibly self-conscious, aware of the fact I was lying there naked and covered in cum.  “I.. Eh….”  
Speaking softly, Mark cut me off
“I think you mean 'Yes sir’ ”
“Yes sir,” I said.     

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