Sunday, November 22, 2015

Diaries of a teenage exhibitionist |

1. The Discovery
From: Take It Off. Yes, All Of It. Now

A partly autobiographical story series
From the moment I became sexually aware and began masturbating, i was always turned on by playing or undressing in situations or places I knew I shouldn’t. Mostly it was harmless stuff like running around naked in our garage or having a sneaky wank in the toilets at school. But it probably began in earnest when I was 18. We had just moved to a new house and because the bathroom was a converted bedroom, instead of the usual small frosted window the shower had a large picture window facing the back garden. Since we had just moved, it took a while before it had anything covering it. I guess my parents didn’t think it was that important as the bathroom was upstairs and the back neighbor's house some distance away and mostly hidden by trees. In any case, something about that big dark glass eye when i showered in the evenings really started turning me on as i watched my reflection undressing, soaping, teasing. 
One night when I was home alone an idea popped in my head, almost as if a voice was talking to me. It blithely dared me to go out naked into the garden, sit on the patio seat and get myself off. I was scared but excited, turning off most of the lights so it was dark enough outside and I wouldn’t chicken. It felt so exciting as I started undressing, the voice urging me on, demanding I take everything off. After a few minutes I got up the nerve to peel off my underwear too and I loved the feeling of walking around outside, totally naked. I could even see the neighbors walking round their kitchen if I looked over the fence. That freaked me a little too, but I was far too turned on to stop. Needless to say it didn’t take long to finish the job once I sat down!
My bedroom was on the same side of the house as the bathroom so a lot of the time I never bothered closing my blinds. When I felt especially horny I would pull them open all the way and enjoy watching myself reflected in the big window stripping down to my undies, knowing I’d be hard by the time I took my jeans off. Finally I would strip off my underwear and lie on the bed, watching the reflection of my hand stroking as I fantasized I was lying on a stage, observed by some large unseen audience behind the dark glass.   
About 9 months after we moved in, the back neighbors sold up and on the local grapevine we learned that the place had been bought by a single man in his forties. Sure enough, within a week or so he came by to introduce himself. Mark was a nice guy, self-employed, and quick to laugh; he was the first adult who spoke to me as an equal. In the first month or so, he’d see me in the back garden and we’d chat over the fence. I was still pretty shy then, but he made me feel a little easier each time, and when I mentioned having time to burn during school vacation, he suggested i could detail his car to earn a little cash. I jumped at the idea, especially because he had the coolest Mercedes SL500 convertible. I had turned 17 that summer and was trying to get my driving license, so I also quietly hoped he’d let me drive it.
I showed up at his door the next day, and even though he seemed a little surprised to see me so soon, he showed me his garage and told me to just come find him when I finished. Well I really knocked myself out on car. It was black and sleek and at that moment in my life   the sexiest car I’d ever seen. After 2 hours it looked to me like it just came out of the showroom. Eager for Mark to see the result, I pushed open his Front door. He called to me to “come on up” which turned out to mean up 2 flights of stairs to the attic, which he used as his office. Unlike ours, this house had a steeply pitched room, giving it effectively an extra floor. Mark’s attic was a large space furnished only by a few bookshelves, and an over sized antique desk positioned squarely in front of the large dormer window. From here the extra height gave a clear view of our house and most of the garden patio over the treetops. This late in the year, most of the trees were now also beginning to lose their leaves, so that there was even less obstructing the line of sight. I can remember being a little shocked at just how unobstructed a view it was. I could see the posters on the wall of my room and even make out the sweatpants and shirt I’d changed out of before coming over here lying on the bed. Thankfully I’d had my blinds closed. But thinking back on my naked adventure that summer night, I had to wonder if maybe I’d been seen by the previous neighbors after all. A few moments later, my face started to burn even more when I thought of all the times I’d been playing with myself in both bathroom and bedroom, not realizing the difference the extra floor on this house meant that the trees hid much less than I had thought. 
Mark must have seen something in my expression, and in my youthful honesty I blurted out more or less the truth; that i had never realized old Mr and Mrs Jansen could see straight into my bedroom. Mark laughed - though with a look in his eye I noticed at the time but was only able to place later on - and told me he was pretty sure they had never used this room. He then proceeded to make me blush by joking that “You’re a good looking young guy, so even if Mrs. Jansen saw you stripping off I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded at all. Mr Jansen either for that matter.”
I suddenly felt very hot. The phrase “saw you stripping off” kept ringing in my ears and I barely heard what Mark said after. He paid me, asking me to come back 2 weeks later as I fled the house. 
After I got home I couldn’t get the strange conversation out of my head. Why had he joked about Mr Jansen? Was he gay? He never seemed that way to me. Was Mark gay? He was single and I sure got a different vibe from him than from other older men I knew. That phrase kept coming back in my head; “saw you stripping off” and I realized that more than anything it was turning me on. I didn’t understand it, but the idea that my little games really had meant someone might have actually seen me undressing, or even naked and masturbating under the shower, both horrified and excited me beyond my comprehension.
My only consolation was that the bathroom blind had been installed before the leaves had fallen off the trees and that if Mark was right the Jansens hadn’t used the attic or noticed they were able to see right into my bedroom. That didn’t comfort me much, but they at least had moved away! 
With that thought I went to take my shower, seriously needed after sweating in the Mercedes for 2 hours. As I stood in the bathroom I thought again about those words. Saw me stripping off. Like a light bulb switching on in my head, I experienced a moment I later came to see as the birth of my exhibitionism. The evening was setting in, leaking blue around the edges of the big roll up blind. I was still strangely excited by the odd turn of conversation with Mark. Suddenly the voice I’d last heard in my head telling me to run naked around the garden almost a year earlier was back. 
“Turn on all the lights” it said. With all of the ceiling spots on, the room felt suddenly like a stage. 
“Now open the blind” As I pulled on the loop of plastic chain which raised it I could see that it was now almost completely dark out. 
“All the way open, don’t stop,” goaded the voice. With so much reflection in the window I could see myself as if in a mirror, making it impossible to see where, if at all, the lights were on in the house behind.  
“Keep facing the window and take your shirt off,” the voice continued, and as I pulled my t-shirt up and off:
“Now pull on your nips.”
This was something I had recently discovered got me hard in seconds flat and now proved no exception. 
“Shoes off.” I kicked my sneakers in the corner. “Socks too.” White sport socks landed in the tub. 
“Undo your belt.” The clasp sounded unnaturally loud as it clattered open. 
“Now pop that button open.” I struggled because the jeans were old and a little tight. 
“Pull the zip down slowly.” For the first time I looked up at my reflection, watching how the red of my briefs became more and more visible as I slid the zipper all the way down. 
“Now pull those jeans down and take them off.” Once I was standing there looking at my reflection in just a pair of red Unico briefs, I realized just how hard I was. 
“Get those off too,” the voice commanded and despite another voice much further away telling me I was going to die of embarrassment about this later, I hooked my thumbs in the white elastic waistband and started to drag the briefs slowly down. I watched in fascination how first a strip of hair appeared, followed by the root of my cock (of which thickness I was secretly rather proud) and ever more of its length until, with a jump, the tip cleared the waistband and the full length of my erection sprang into view. I kicked the briefs toward my sneakers. 
“Pull on your nips again.” This made me gasp and somehow feel more exposed than stripping off my underwear. 
“Now start wanking.” It had never felt so good and my cock felt harder in my hand than I could ever remember feeling it before. 
“Keep going. Faster! ” I could feel myself get closer to losing it. Finally:
“You’re about to cum and Mark is going to see you do it." 
That thought sent me over the edge and a few seconds later I felt the hot wetness squirt hard and fast over my hand and stomach. As I stood there, chest heaving, it was only a matter of seconds before rationality returned and with it an intense feeling of embarrassment. What if Mark really had been sitting at his desk and looked up and seen me? He’d think I was a total pervert. Maybe he’d even called the cops? Or worse, my parents. I ran out of the bathroom and for once made sure the blinds in my bedroom were tightly shut. 
I’d have to wait a month or so to learn the truth about Mark - and myself. But those 4 little words "saw you stripping off” had somehow set some heavy machinery in my head in motion. Just how dark and arcane those mechanics were was something I was soon to begin discovering.   

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