Saturday, November 14, 2015

Democratic Debate Will Shift Focus To Terrorism And National Security

"The entire world is looking to the White House. These people are vying to take over this office."
From: NewNowNext
Many eyes will be on the Democratic debate taking place in Des Moines, Iowa tonight to see how the potential presidential candidates respond to the terrorist attacks in Paris.

For this reason, CBS has shifted plans in order to focus on issues of terrorism, national security, and foreign relations.

CBS News executive editor Steve Capus said he was actually in the middle of a rehearsal for the debate when the news of the Paris attacks first broke, and the news team immediately began to reformulate questions in order to focus on the tragedy.

Capus said it was vital that the debate continues as planned tonight because the world wants to see how a potential president would react during crisis.

“American leadership is put to the test,” said Capus. “The entire world is looking to the White House. These people are vying to take over this office.”

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