Thursday, November 12, 2015

are you a good person? I ask because I briefly met you in person some time ago and you seemed like a decent guy. But the more I've seen of you, viewed through the lens of the content you post on your blog has led me to wonder who you really are. Much of your content comes as vain and self serving. I mean no offense by this but I don't feel like anyone can get a sense of who you really are behind the gratuitous rump pics. Who are you? What do you believe in? -- Anonymous

From: Noodles and Beef
Last year I gogo danced for charity in Taipei and auctioned off some of my leftover charity calendars,raising $170,000NT for a local AIDS support organization. Turns out that gratuitous butt photos can be a force for good.
 What a silly question

You’re asking if I’m a good person because you’ve seen lots of photos of my butt, and apparently these are mutually exclusive? Do “good” people not post butt photos? Completely absurd puritanical nonsense.

Do you even read my blog? Lets look at my last ten original posts:
Hotel Butts photo with innerbear OH MY GOODNESS A PHOTO OF MY BUTT

Alright, one butt photo.

You accuse me of being vain and self-serving…but if you actually read my blog, you’ll see I mostly write about food and other people. A great way to learn about who I am would be to actually read my blog instead of obsessing over butt photos and their relation to being good or bad.

Recommended reading: Perception VS Reality, or why you might feel like I’m all about butt photos, but I’m actually all about food and people I love.

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