Monday, November 9, 2015

Ahhh…my sous vide machine has arrived.

Planning this year’s Thanksgiving Menu
From: Noodles and Beef
Dad always cooks a super traditional Thanksgiving, compared to my Mexican inspired and modern interpretation of the classic feast. I’m in charge of dinner (again, hurray!) this year, and I’m thinking a haute cuisine inspired menu to make dad uncomfortable.

Cheese Course:
Assortment of cheeses

Toasted brioche

Seared foie gras
White truffle oil mousse (emulsification with NO2)

Drakes’ Bay Oysters

Passion Fruit caviar (spherification)

First Course:
Butternut Squash Purée with caramelized sous vide pork belly and chives

Main Course:
White turkey meat sous vide with brown sugar apple juice brine, finished with apple cider glaze
Dark turkey meat confit in duck fat, sous vide, seasoned with curry powder, finished with cranberry sauce dust
Truffle and cognac gravy
Cranberry sauce…either as a foam or gel.
Truffle risotto
Caramelized carrots
Stuffing…gotta figure that one out.
Roast corn
Molecular Mashed Potatoes (diastatic malt powder for creamiest texture known to man)

Hot Maple Ice Cream (reverse gelificaton via methyl cellulose)
Need second dessert idea

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