Wednesday, October 7, 2015

“Top Model” Hunk Nyle DiMarco Comes Out As Sexually Fluid

Our prayers have been answered!
From: NewNowNext
 Given how thirst we are for America’s Next Top Model hottie Nyle DiMarco, we can’t believe we missed this: In a recent Twitter exchange, ANTM’s first deaf contestant revealed he considers himself sexually fluid.

 Asked by German fan Kike Garces if he was into “boys or girls?,” the 26-year-old looker responded “fluid,” and linked to an article on Everyday Feminism about how sexual fluidity fits into the LGBT spectrum.

The tweet came after a recent episode featuring Nyle’s good friend Brittany, who some viewers assumed was an ex-girlfriend.
Before you start labeling DiMarco as a flip-flopper or closet case, consider Everyday Feminism author Jarune Uwujaren’s words:

“Trying to goad a sexually fluid person into ’picking a side’ or ’choosing a label’ is as backwards as trying to convince a content gay man that he should ’try’ women to understand whether or not he’s really gay.”

America’s Next Top Model airs Fridays at 9pm on The CW.

A photo posted by Nyle DiMarco - Official - NYC (@nyledimarco) on

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