Saturday, October 3, 2015

Top 10 Guys With iPhones Ranked: Week Of 9.28.2015

WARNING: The erection you get from looking at this week's Top 10 Guys With iPhones could last for more than four hours. If so, please seek out a doctor immediately, preferably one who will blow you to get rid of your wood. 

Is there something in the air this week? What the hell is going on? An unprecedented percentage of the guys in possession of iPhones graced us with their dicks AND gorgeous mugs, and the results are cream-worthy. We all know that a dick only goes so far (well...), and that a face is cool but not really. It takes the two together to turn a photograph into an artistic master(bate)piece. It must be the sugar rush these fellas are getting from their pumpkin spice lattes or something, but I would just like to thank each and everyone of them for making the internet a better place. 
From: Fleshbot

Serious Dick
Seriously, that's thick. 
By Day He's a Mild Mannered Reported Dick
By night he's pumping me, I mean iron. 
You've Got A Point Dick
An extra finger never hurt.
Deviant Otter Dick
You otter tip the maid.  
 Michelangelo Tried To Paint You But Failed Dick
For how do you paint... perfection? 
Insanely Gorgeous Dick
Lips, jawline, arms, and a stunning dick *SWOONS* 
 Romeo Take Me Somewhere We Can Be Alone Dick
Is this really it? I don't know what to think.
Holy Shit Dick
 >.< Dick
How are you so fucking cute? 
Tegan Zayne Dick


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